Our Executive Team

Dr. Gili Adler Nevo is a child and adolescent psychiatrist, head of the child and adolescent anxiety clinic at Michael Garron Hospital (MGH), and assistant professor at the University of Toronto. As a mental health professional she knows that a healthy and thriving natural world is not a luxury, but a necessary condition for our mental health.Along with co-chairing the Green IS Health OMA medical interest group, she is a member of the MGH green committee and a graduate of the climate reality leadership corps.
She has not given up on picking up stray single use plastic when she encounters it floating around and is inviting you to join her.
Dr. Kim-Chi Tran is a uro-oncologist practicing in Scarborough. Along with being a co-chair for the Green Is Health Medical Interest Group, she has started a Green Team at the Scarborough Health Network. She has also worked with a committee to develop guidelines for sustainable health care in Canada, as a supplement to Accreditation Canada standards.   She is currently an Ontario Medical Association delegate, and hopes to encourage dialogue about planetary health.  She enjoys spending time with her young family, discovering the outdoors, and trying valiantly to keep houseplants alive.
Max Silverman is currently a medical student at McMaster University with a strong passion for environmental advocacy. Recognizing climate change as the greatest threat to global health and health equity, he feels it is important that medical students and physicians alike use their platforms to take leadership roles in mitigating its impacts. He strives to accomplish this through his positions on the OMA Green IS Health MIG and on the McMaster Medicine Student Council as VP Global Health, as well as with the Canadian Federation of Medical Students' Health and Environment Adaptive Response Task force.